147. How to Get the Most out of Coaching
You took the first major step...you hired a coach. That's a fantastic start but it's just that...a start. To get the most out of coaching, you gotta make sure you show up as the coachee. As someone who is a coach and always has a coach (multiple ones!), I see it from both sides and do think there is a BIG difference when three major factors come into play... 💛 Check in no matter what...doesn't matter if you didn't do a single thing your coach asked you to do. Still follow whatever check-in schedule they have set up. This lets your coach know where you truly are. If you want until you have something to report, you are wasting precious time when you could have been discussing WHY you didn't take action. 💛 Open up! Be vulnerable. A good coach wants to know what's going on in your head. They would want to know that you feel stuck, overwhelmed, or whatever else is going on. They can't help you if they don't know! 💛 Be as honest as possible. Don't cut corners...eventually, the data will catch up to your results. It's only hurting you and your progress. And it will take MUCH longer for you to get where you are trying to go. It's not just on your coach to PULL you towards your goal....you have to want it just as much as they want it for you! I go into more examples and detail in my latest podcast episode. Check it out!